On Sun, 26 Oct 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Details about what we have so far are at
> http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~yruan/debox/
> Yaoping Ruan had mentioned this on the list before (and sent a
> pointer to the sendfile patches), but didn't seem to get much
> response.
> -Vivek

As always, you're seeing the lack of available committer time, not a real
lack of interest.  One way to accelerate the process might be for someone
(not necessarily you, any reader of this mailing list could do it) to show
that this change visibly benefits some easy to run benchmark.  Some simple
setup of apachebench vs thttpd (which uses sendfile, afaik) would be
useful for this purpose.

Mike "Silby" Silbersack
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