On Wed, 27 Aug 2003, Brian Reichert wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 07:26:10AM +1000, John Birrell wrote:
> > One way to do this initially is to install a full FreeBSD system on one
> > disk partition and use a second partition for a trial install. FreeBSD's
> > boot manager will let you boot into each.
> As I'm pursuing these matters as well, I've found that mucking with
> jails is faster, for a lot of bulk work.  Starting/stopping a jail is
> _much_ quicker than reboots.  (And it's a lot easier to reset a jail to
> a prior state.)  This won't exercise the rc* scripts, but will let you
> quickly test for dependancies elsewhere. 

Actually, I tend to "boot" my jails using the existing rc pieces -- I skip
some of the hardware-esque things (network interface configuration, file
system mounting), but do use the rc stuff to start daemons. 

> And whatever you find for dependancies, please document them somewhere; 
> I still have a fantasy of 'deconstructing' FreeBSD into finer-grained
> packages...

One of the big problems with that process has between that people who've
attempted it (perhaps rationally) get caught up in combining
compartmentalization of the build and compartmentalization of the
delivery.  I.e., they sit there and try to figure out how to break out
libraries, utilities, etc, and get caught up in building the end-all to
package building infrastructure.  Something a little lower-hanging would
go a long way... 

Robert N M Watson             FreeBSD Core Team, TrustedBSD Projects
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Network Associates Laboratories

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