On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 07:26:10AM +1000, John Birrell wrote:
> One way to do this initially is to install a full FreeBSD system on one
> disk partition and use a second partition for a trial install. FreeBSD's
> boot manager will let you boot into each.

As I'm pursuing these matters as well, I've found that mucking with
jails is faster, for a lot of bulk work.  Starting/stopping a jail
is _much_ quicker than reboots.  (And it's a lot easier to reset a
jail to a prior state.)  This won't exercise the rc* scripts, but
will let you quickly test for dependancies elsewhere.

And whatever you find for dependancies, please document them
somewhere; I still have a fantasy of 'deconstructing' FreeBSD into
finer-grained packages...

> -- 
> John Birrell
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