Terry Lambert wrote:
> "�� ��" wrote:
> [ ... Subject: ... ]
> You can't.  The method I was about to start using was to post the
> patch to the mailing list, and then use the web send-pr to send
> the PR with a URL for the patch in the mailing list archives.
> This won't work because they disabled the web send-pr.
> I think the reason this was disable is some idiot was posting a
> lot of PR's that were not really PR's, and then filling in the
> mailing lists as "contact" (or whatever).  I saw a lot of these
> right before they disable it.
Exactly the reason.

> Probably, the correct thing would be to accept the submission,
> and pend it for review, before it became active as a real PR.
> This would require that a human look at the pending PRs, and
> make a decision.

Oddly enough, the Core Team has discussed exactly this approach.
It's a good idea.  Are you volunteering to do (some of) the work?
Either of you?  ;^)

> Instead, what happened was the web submission form was disabled,
> letting whoever was trying to poison the ability to report
> problems win.

Only partially.  People with working mail systems can still report
problems.  People with non-working mail systems, or ISPs who are
incapable of creating a proper reverse DNS entry, probably need to
solve those problems before becoming tremendously worried about
bugs in FreeBSD.  Hint hint.

> Not very satisfying to me, either, since a lot of people are
> "PR-blind" to patches posted to the mailing list.
> Maybe you could also ask them to reenable web send-pr, as I did.

Probably not gonna happen, it's just an invitation to abuse.  Sorry.
Bad people suck, the best we can do is cut our losses and move on.

            "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

Wes Peters                                                         Softweyr LLC
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                           http://softweyr.com/

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