On 14-Nov-2002 Kenneth Culver wrote:
> I'm posting this here because of a panic I'm getting using the FreeBSD
> nvidia driver; however, I'm not convinced that this panic is the fault of
> the driver, and I wanted to post the backtrace here (from a serial
> console, can't see anything on the pc console during this crash since X is
> up) just in case it's FreeBSD's fault.
> atomic_clear_short(c1596400,d2ae5a40,1556,1556,d2ae5a40) at
> atomic_clear_short+0xb
> nv_alloc_pages(c1596400,d2ae5a40,1556,1,1) at nv_alloc_pages+0x37
> __nvsym00150(c17a4000,d2ae5a40,1556,1,1) at __nvsym00150+0x4b
> __nvsym00142(c17a4000,c1d00021,d2ae5a40,d2ae5a44,d2ae59e4) at
> __nvsym00142+0x120
> __nvsym00153(c1d00021,beef0003,beef0020,3e,2100) at __nvsym00153+0x84
> __nvsym00606(c1596400,c1690a00,27,d2ae5e88,d2ae5d24) at __nvsym00606+0x35b
> rm_ioctl(c1596400,c1690a00,27,d2ae5e88,d2ae5d6c) at rm_ioctl+0x17
> nvidia_handle_ioctl(c15ab500,c0284627,d2ae5e88,3,cc322520) at
> nvidia_handle_ioctl+0x53
> nvidia_dev_ioctl(c15ab500,c0284627,d2ae5e88,3,cc322520) at
> nvidia_dev_ioctl+0x3a
> spec_ioctl(d2ae5dc4,d2ae5dac,c01b99b1,d2ae5dc4,d2ae5e54) at
> spec_ioctl+0x26
> spec_vnoperate(d2ae5dc4,d2ae5e54,c017cb37,d2ae5dc4,c1867f40) at
> spec_vnoperate+0x15
> ufs_vnoperatespec(d2ae5dc4,c1867f40,0,28,c025b000) at
> ufs_vnoperatespec+0x15
> vn_ioctl(c1867f40,c0284627,d2ae5e88,cc322520,c0e34700) at vn_ioctl+0x10f
> ioctl(cc322520,d2ae5f80,d2ae5f34,c030bd70,cc322520) at ioctl+0x20a
> linux_ioctl_nvidia(cc322520,d2ae5f80,cc322520,3,c0314088) at
> linux_ioctl_nvidia+0xe
> linux_ioctl(cc322520,d2ae5f80,60,bfbfce90,80e9150) at linux_ioctl+0x54
> syscall2(2f,2f,2f,80e9150,bfbfce90) at syscall2+0x16a
> Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
> fault virtual address   = 0xc1d00025
> fault code              = supervisor read, page not present
> instruction pointer     = 0x8:0xc020f52c
> stack pointer           = 0x10:0xd2ae5664
> frame pointer           = 0x10:0xd2ae5668
> code segment            = base 0x0, limit 0xfffff, type 0x1b
>                         = DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
> processor eflags        = interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
> current process         = 172 (ut2003-bin)
> interrupt mask          = none
> kernel: type 12 trap, code=0
> Any ideas?

Looks like it is indeed nvidia's fault.  It called atomic_clear_short()
with an invalid pointer in nv_alloc_pages().  You might be able to
look at nv_alloc_pages() to try and figure out the bug.


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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