I think your patch is fine as is, Mike!  Good find!  Even though 
    so_linger cannot be negative, it is often convenient to use a signed
    integer to store the value to avoid unexpected arithmatic results
    when mixing with signed operations.  My quick perusal does not show
    any cases of this for so_linger, so we could make it unsigned, but I
    don't see any pressing need to do so.   The range check would need
    to be in there in either case.

    Can I go ahead and commit it?

                                        Matthew Dillon 
                                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

:During some parameter limit checking work, I ran into what I believe to
:be an error in FreeBSD.  (Albeit unlikely to be hit)
:A setsockopt of the SO_LINGER field will cause strange results if
:the value is set above 32767.
:This is due to the fact that in struct socket, the so_linger field
:is a signed short and the parameter passed to setsockopt for linger
:is a signed long.
:What happens is that any value between 32768 and 65535 will cause
:so_linger to be negative.  And then getsockopt will return a sign
:extended negative value in the signed long field for linger.
:The "trivial" fix is to do the following:
:--- uipc_socket.c       Wed May  1 01:13:02 2002
:+++ /tmp/uipc_socket.c  Fri Nov  1 06:55:10 2002
:@@ -1139,7 +1139,8 @@
:                         if (error)
:                                 goto bad;
:-                       so->so_linger = l.l_linger;
:+                       /* Limit the value to what fits in so_linger */
:+                       so->so_linger = (l.l_linger > SHRT_MAX ? SHRT_MAX : l.linger);
:                         if (l.l_onoff)
:                                 so->so_options |= SO_LINGER;
:                         else
:What this does is limit the value to no more than 32767 (SHRT_MAX)
:However, I believe the more correct answer is that so_linger should
:not be a signed value to begin with.
:The reasoning is that what does a negative so_linger mean?  To
:close the socket before the user does ;^)?
:It is somewhat obvious that so_linger does not need to be a long.
:It is not possible to change the API to make the input a short.
:Limiting the value to 32767 is reasonable (and that is a *vary*
:long linger time)
:However, given that negative linger values really don't exist
:(logically) it would be reasonable to not that field be signed.
:That would naturally limit the values to being within a valid
:range and prevent some strange results, specifically when
:looking at the tsleep() call where the so_linger field is
:just blindly multiplied by the hz of the system.  (around line
:312 of uipc_socket.c)  A segative so_linger will get sign extended
:into a negative int (32-bit) (times hz) and then passed to tsleep
:which just checks for zero, passed on to timeout which then
:passes it to callout_reset.  It turns out that callout_reset will
:take negative values and make them a single tick...  (whew!  lucky
:thing that was there :-)
:The question I have is:  should put together a patch that changes
:so_linger (and xso_linger) to unsigned?  (And make sure there are
:no bad side effects) or is the trivial fix above what is wanted?
:[ My personal feeling is that since so_linger has no valid negative
:   value that the field should be unsigned.  Not that it matters
:   about improving the range as 32767 is over 9 hours.  It is more
:   a matter of "correctness" in the code/representation since the
:   code assumes the value is not negative already. ]
:Michael Sinz -- Director, Systems Engineering -- Worldgate Communications
:A master's secrets are only as good as
:       the master's ability to explain them to others.

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