During some parameter limit checking work, I ran into what I believe to
be an error in FreeBSD.  (Albeit unlikely to be hit)

A setsockopt of the SO_LINGER field will cause strange results if
the value is set above 32767.

This is due to the fact that in struct socket, the so_linger field
is a signed short and the parameter passed to setsockopt for linger
is a signed long.

What happens is that any value between 32768 and 65535 will cause
so_linger to be negative.  And then getsockopt will return a sign
extended negative value in the signed long field for linger.

The "trivial" fix is to do the following:

--- uipc_socket.c       Wed May  1 01:13:02 2002
+++ /tmp/uipc_socket.c  Fri Nov  1 06:55:10 2002
@@ -1139,7 +1139,8 @@
                        if (error)
                                goto bad;

-                       so->so_linger = l.l_linger;
+                       /* Limit the value to what fits in so_linger */
+                       so->so_linger = (l.l_linger > SHRT_MAX ? SHRT_MAX : l.linger);
                        if (l.l_onoff)
                                so->so_options |= SO_LINGER;

What this does is limit the value to no more than 32767 (SHRT_MAX)
However, I believe the more correct answer is that so_linger should
not be a signed value to begin with.

The reasoning is that what does a negative so_linger mean?  To
close the socket before the user does ;^)?

It is somewhat obvious that so_linger does not need to be a long.

It is not possible to change the API to make the input a short.

Limiting the value to 32767 is reasonable (and that is a *vary*
long linger time)

However, given that negative linger values really don't exist
(logically) it would be reasonable to not that field be signed.
That would naturally limit the values to being within a valid
range and prevent some strange results, specifically when
looking at the tsleep() call where the so_linger field is
just blindly multiplied by the hz of the system.  (around line
312 of uipc_socket.c)  A segative so_linger will get sign extended
into a negative int (32-bit) (times hz) and then passed to tsleep
which just checks for zero, passed on to timeout which then
passes it to callout_reset.  It turns out that callout_reset will
take negative values and make them a single tick...  (whew!  lucky
thing that was there :-)

The question I have is:  should put together a patch that changes
so_linger (and xso_linger) to unsigned?  (And make sure there are
no bad side effects) or is the trivial fix above what is wanted?

[ My personal feeling is that since so_linger has no valid negative
  value that the field should be unsigned.  Not that it matters
  about improving the range as 32767 is over 9 hours.  It is more
  a matter of "correctness" in the code/representation since the
  code assumes the value is not negative already. ]

Michael Sinz -- Director, Systems Engineering -- Worldgate Communications
A master's secrets are only as good as
	the master's ability to explain them to others.

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