On 19-Jul-2002 Brandon D. Valentine wrote: > On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Robert Watson wrote: > >>I kid you not :-). About 40% of the SGML submissions I receive are broken >>in some form, despite a template that is correct. Usually it's unclosed >>tags, removal of a necessary tag, etc. If I had to guess, asking for >>nroff/mdoc submissions would result in a slightly higher success rate, as >>I suspect developers have a bit more experience with it, and also don't >>have to install a port to get syntax checking. Humm, personally I just keep report-smpng.xml on my laptop and for each report I just update the contents of the paragraph (xemacs does fine syntax highlighting on it btw, not that it really matters) and then:
mail -s 'SMPng report' [EMAIL PROTECTED] < report-smpng.xml You don't have to know XML to know how to do this. Once you've filled out the headers for a Project (once) you can just modify the paragraph contents, which look the same (same tags, etc.) as paragraphs in HTML. Perhaps I'm biased since I started out life as a doc/ person though. -- John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <>< http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/ "Power Users Use the Power to Serve!" - http://www.FreeBSD.org/ To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message