On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Robert Watson wrote:

>I kid you not :-).  About 40% of the SGML submissions I receive are broken
>in some form, despite a template that is correct.  Usually it's unclosed
>tags, removal of a necessary tag, etc.  If I had to guess, asking for
>nroff/mdoc submissions would result in a slightly higher success rate, as
>I suspect developers have a bit more experience with it, and also don't
>have to install a port to get syntax checking.

Knowing my own inclinations if I were asked to go through the hassle of
composing an SGML document once a month which would encompass one measly
paragraph I'd probably be negligent of the duty more often that not.  A
simple web form which a developer can visit, fill in a handful of
fields, and then if he's using w3m, fill in a large textarea blob by
dropping to vi, would dramatically decrease the activation energy
necessary to get a developer submission.  The backend for this should be
trivial to whip-up.  You're probably the best candidate to do it since
you actually know what you need to compose a report.  You shouldn't even
have to bother with hacking in some public web authentication mechanism
if you just throw it on freefall or somewhere similar and htaccess limit
connections to localhost so developers need to login and fire up
w3m/lynx to make a submission.  If you wanted to make it publically
accessible while still authenticated there is probably some
PerlAuthenHandler magic you could hack up in Apache to check it against
the unix passwd database on a machine like freefall.  If you could use
some help doing something like this I might have time to take a look at
it for you and see if I can't whip up the necessary PHP or Perl
necessary to create this webform.

Brandon D. Valentine
http://www.geekpunk.net                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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