On Mar 06, at 11:39 PM, Mike Meyer wrote:
> D J Hawkey Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> types:
> > First, you're ascribing me to a group I don't belong. While I don't know
> > Eiffel, or Lisp, or Modula, Snobol, etc., I don't demean them, nor do I
> > bitch about such-and-such being written with them (well, not publicly,
> > anyway). Many's the time I've wanted to modify a program written in a
> > language I didn't/don't know, and learned enough of it to re-write it in
> > a language I do know, just to do the changes I wanted.
> Ack! That makes believe the comments about people not wanting to learn
> new languages. I would do it the other way around, and learn enough of
> the language it's written in to make the changes I wanted.
Ordinarily, I'd agree, but sometimes the changes were just to get things
to work! With time constraints in place, it was easier and faster to
learn the language enough to get a grasp of the code's functionality and
re-write it than to LEARN THE LANGUAGE and find the brokenness.

In other cases, the boss wanted it in another language. And in some cases,
_I_ wanted it in another language.

> In fact, I
> think that's a good way to learn a language, providing you have a
> stylisticly good example to start with.

And who'd judge that?

>       <mike


  ______________________                         ______________________
  \__________________   \    D. J. HAWKEY JR.   /   __________________/
     \________________/\     [EMAIL PROTECTED]    /\________________/

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