On Fri, Nov 30, 2001 at 05:30:33PM -0800, Luigi Rizzo wrote:
> I just committed to  current (and soon to stable) some code to log
> _failures_ in mbuf allocations, but that is only meant as an aid
> to remove worse code in the drivers.

Note that if we implement a 'fair share' buffering scheme we would
never get a failure, which would be a good thing.  Unfortuantely
fair share is relatively complicated.

> (Plus, just setting a threshold is not good, you also want
> some histeresys, because you can easily conceive a system that
> runs at XX % mbuf occupation, whatever XX you pick.)

With fair share or some other type of setup I would agree.  Given
our current 'things fail badly if you run out' I think a warning
at 90% or 200 left, or something would be a real good idea.  With
the current allocation scheme this is on par with "/foo file system
is full" messages, we should have a "networking stack is full,
build a kernel with more mbuf's message".

       Leo Bicknell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - CCIE 3440
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