On Fri, Nov 30, 2001 at 05:19:18PM -0500, Mike Silbersack wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Nov 2001, Leo Bicknell wrote:
> > * The logging at 90% usage should be investigated.  I can probably
> Luigi, Jonathan and I had already been discussing this idea before this
> this thread even started.  If you come up with a good patch to do this,

I just committed to  current (and soon to stable) some code to log
_failures_ in mbuf allocations, but that is only meant as an aid
to remove worse code in the drivers.

I'd be inclined to say that the XX% monitoring is better done by
userlevel daemons periodically polling the mbuf stats, rather than
doing some extra work every time you allocate or free an mbuf.

(Plus, just setting a threshold is not good, you also want
some histeresys, because you can easily conceive a system that
runs at XX % mbuf occupation, whatever XX you pick.)


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