On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 11:17:08AM -0400, Keith Stevenson wrote:
> Ick. If I wanted this kind of integration I would run Windows, KDE, or GNOME
> instead of my nice, stable, predictable, lightweight desktop environment.

This entire email is very IMHO

Why? a URI is by name a "Uniform Resource Locator", the standard idea
being that anything can be referenced by using a uniform system.

I mean other than the fact that it might look ugly, or not seem like a
good idea, it's become a fairly standard way of addressing things.

Anyway, how else would you wish to describe something that can quite
legibly define a particular protocol to use on a particular port of a
machine and furthermore can give extra information.

perhaps it wouldn't be so bad, think about the ease of use of :

mount http://www.somesite.org/ /mnt/webdir
 Why not ?

mount nfs:// /mnt/homedir
 okay, so it's an extra 6 characters, but perhaps we could let mount
 default to it.

fetch ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386/4.3-RELEASE/ERRATA.TXT
 instead of ftp and all the associated typing.. Why, gosh, we've got
 that and I don't see people complaining, other than it not doing
 https yet... (Someone has written code to do this, I've got it here
 to test!)

ping http://www.myserver.wherever/
 instead of telnet wherever 80, just to see if I get a connected or
 not ?

Besides, what stability is lost if for instance you can dynamically
link into the fetch libraries and then do :

more ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386/4.3-RELEASE/ERRATA.TXT

Mad ideas this could develop into : A URI library, that in effect is a
subset of the normal stdio or even libc functionality, or effectively
a set of URI 'filesystem' type calls ? You could even have a URI
filesystem with /dev/uri/[PROTO] entries, and just rm them to
dissallow ( some amount of ) access. (to some extent)

Oh, it's so horrid... easy to manage though!

The extra functionality isn't such a big deal, personally I think it
would be really handy to be able to do access say, web sites from the
command line. Almost all of the functionality is there..

Someday it would be nice to, use the "web" like so :

ls -l ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386/4.3-RELEASE/ERRATA.TXT

to just get the timestamp of the file since I last looked at it ?

I'm sure people could think up far better ideas, but how about this in
cron :

30 */3 * * * nobody cp http://abc.weatherserver.xyz/satimage.gif \

Yes, I know that can be done with fetch, but it would be even nicer if
ls -l worked as well, and then I wouldn't need to download and diff,
just compare the dates.

> In my opinion, the "URLification" of the user environment would be a negative
> unless there were a very easy way to turn it completely off.

How about : kldunload uri.mod


P.S. my mua doesn't have do grep -v "[:flame:]" so please be nice =)

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