:Is it not possible (or has nobody done it) to swap with the current
:diskless boot?  Of all people, I would have expected Matt to be able
:to help :).

    Sure you can swap.  I haven't diskless-booted a box in a few months so
    someone might have broken something, but I have definitely used the
    swap-mount dhcpd option to give diskless machines real swap space.
    It worked the last time I tried!

:I have quite a few systems netbooting using etherboot floppies
:(incidentally running 3.4) ... and they use NFS swap just fine.  I
:would really like the same thing with the PXE boot.
:Is it possibly as simple as making pxeboot ignore the swap DHCP tag?
:Does anyone here hack pxeboot?
:|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.       | Two things can only be     |

    I expect it's cockpit trouble somewhere.  Another alternative is that
    you can use dhcpd's configuration file to identify whether it is 
    FreeBSD kernel or the Intel pxeboot stuff or the FreeBSD boot stuff
    generating the requests, and simply not offer the swap partition to
    anything but a FreeBSD kernel.  I've never used the configuration
    feature myself, but it is in there.  You might have to mess around to
    get it to work.


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