On Fri, Jul 06, 2001 at 02:47:21AM -0500, Frank Pawlak wrote:

> >You're assuming that not having Walnut Creek around is going to be
> >good for Linux Central, or good for FreeBSD?  I personally wouldn't
> >give a bucket of warm spit for Linux Central's well being, but am quite
> >worried about the well being of FreeBSD in the near future.
> I agree, the future of FreeBSD does look dim right now.  It is being 
> developed, but not promoted and distributed with any kind of profession 
> consistency.  And that is a crying shame.

Let's not go overboard here.  Things can surely be improved, but I
wouldn't go so far as to call the future of FreeBSD "dim".

> >Yes, all of the above are bad, and they're a sign of an even worse
> >problem.  FreeBSD has done well for the past 8 years due in large part
> >because it an energetic and persuasive "product manager" in the person
> >of Jordan K. Hubbard pushing, cajoling, and badgering the CD-ROM
> >product through the arduous steps of production.  Those who think
> >this process happens on auto-pilot are deluded; it has to be baby-
> >stepped through every time.
> He was a very unique member of the core team, and had a lot of salesman and 
> public relations savvy.  His departure leaves a gaping hole in the project 
> as it now stands.  However, it is my understanding that he was paid to do 
> just those sort of things.  It would appear that the work he did out side 
> of release coordination would almost require a full time employee of the 
> project.

And just to be clear, Jordan hasn't left FreeBSD, just changed employers.

> What part did any of this play in Jordan's decision to go to Apple?  Was it 
> that there was no day job at WRS?  That is how I read his message of 
> resignation.

WRS still employs a number of FreeBSD developers to work full time on
FreeBSD; things aren't as bad as you seem to think, they're just more
uncertain right now than some of us would like.


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