At 12:55 AM 7/6/2001 -0600, Wes Peters wrote:
>Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
> >
> > If WindRiver gets on the ball and keeps fulfilling CD orders, why then this
> > name might continue to be worth something. Otherwise, it will go away and
> > the FreeBSD CD distributions will simply take place through other
> > distributors.
>Or not, if every other distributor that actually cares to distribute
>FreeBSD has dried up and blown away because WRS has been handing out
>exclusive access to the "official" FreeBSD ISO images.
Very bad! Detrimental to the life of the project.
> > This in some ways is even more desirable because as long as
> > Walnut Creek was around, there was no demand for FreeBSD distributions at
> > places like Linux Central, thus those places didn't even carry it.
>You're assuming that not having Walnut Creek around is going to be
>good for Linux Central, or good for FreeBSD? I personally wouldn't
>give a bucket of warm spit for Linux Central's well being, but am quite
>worried about the well being of FreeBSD in the near future.
I agree, the future of FreeBSD does look dim right now. It is being
developed, but not promoted and distributed with any kind of profession
consistency. And that is a crying shame.
> > Is it _bad_ for a Linux CD distributor to be selling FreeBSD copies?
> > No, and it also gives the Project more advertising.
>But that's not what the situation is. Let's be truthful here, Ted,
>and ask "Is it _bad_ for WRS to award exclusive distribution contracts
>without the permission of the FreeBSD contributors? Is it bad for WRS
>to award these to a Linux site, leaving one or more very interested
>BSD distributors twisting in the wind? Is it _bad_ for WRS to simply
>flush the long-standing distribution arrangements without any fore-
>warning, leaving hundreds of people wondering where their orders are?"
That certainly will kill a bunch of interest in FreeBSD real quick.
>Yes, all of the above are bad, and they're a sign of an even worse
>problem. FreeBSD has done well for the past 8 years due in large part
>because it an energetic and persuasive "product manager" in the person
>of Jordan K. Hubbard pushing, cajoling, and badgering the CD-ROM
>product through the arduous steps of production. Those who think
>this process happens on auto-pilot are deluded; it has to be baby-
>stepped through every time.
He was a very unique member of the core team, and had a lot of salesman and
public relations savvy. His departure leaves a gaping hole in the project
as it now stands. However, it is my understanding that he was paid to do
just those sort of things. It would appear that the work he did out side
of release coordination would almost require a full time employee of the
>For very good reason, Jordan is no longer in a position to do this. We
>as the FreeBSD community need to decide what we're going to do about
>this, and we need to decide before another disastrous release cycle
>happens. WRS does not have any legal standing to create such a closed
>and exclusive distribution arrangement, FreeBSD is *our* product, not
>theirs. *WE* need to decide what *WE* want to do about this, and move
>along in an orderly fashion, or *WE* will lose the ability to do any-
>thing about it.
Exactly. But will this require legal action action as in cease and
desist? As far as I can surmise without a financial backer as was WC this
is going to be very difficult. CD production and distribution costs money
for a variety of reasons. Until that CD run is sold and out of inventory,
it is a dead weight loss. Someone has to have a financial interest to
provide the up-front money for manufacturing the CD's, promotion, and
getting them into the proper distribution channels or we are facing a very
steep if not impossible climb. Linux only caught fire after the various
organizations began putting together distros with some consistency ala,
Slackware which was generally a child of WC I believe. It was the profit
motive that moved it forward.
What part did any of this play in Jordan's decision to go to Apple? Was it
that there was no day job at WRS? That is how I read his message of
>Specifically, we need a Product Manager who can shepherd FreeBSD through
>the release process, and coordinate with CD-ROM distributor(s) who are
>interested in producing and selling CDs, DVDs, etc of the "official"
>FreeBSD distribution.
And that will be difficult to find without some outside financial support
for that person. They will need a lot of freedom to travel to show the
flag at shows, make speeches to various critical groups, all of the things
that Jordan could do while at WC. How many of us can actually get away
from our day jobs on a consistent basis to do those necessary things? I am
not trying to spread gloom and doom here, but to look at the perceived
reality of how things used to be.
>I've directed replies to -hackers because this issue is of concern to
>the entire FreeBSD community.
> "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"
>Peters Softweyr LLC
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