>> "Julian" == Julian Stacey Jhs@jhs muc de <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> In Europe, software
>> patents do not exist and cannot be granted.
Julian> Wrong ! Sadly ! That's the old simple theoretical world I
Julian> learnt about back in University in the late 70's, it
Julian> changed & got worse ... lawyers encroached, & the EPO
Julian> expanded like crazy !
Julian> The key words "As Such" in regard to software patents
Julian> bring an ironic smile to the lips of patent examiners in
Julian> the field.
Julian> ( & I'm being precise here, about the smile, I lunch often
Julian> with examiners at http:/www.epo.org = European Patent
Julian> Office, Nice food, nice people, shame about the patents !
Julian> They're clever people & personal friends, & I do my small
Julian> bit to persuade them to be careful of the effects of what
Julian> they grant, but the patent system is really sick, change
Julian> needs to come from top down, not bottom up).
What I have learned is that the EPO has been granting software patents
for several years now, so that they are in place when and if software
patents shall be allowed in the EU (probably they have nothing better
to do than grant patents in advance, that are not yet lawful?).
Peter Mutsaers | Dübendorf | UNIX - Live free or die
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Switzerland | Sent via FreeBSD 4.2-stable
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