On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 09:48:03PM -0700, Devin Teske wrote:
> Hi fellow hackers,
> I'm designing an open-sourced replacement boot-loader for FreeBSD. I feel 
> that the existing options in the boot-loader menu today can be whittled down 
> significantly with a stateful menu system rather than a single-action item 
> menu system.
> In designing the new menu, I'd like to get your opinions. From old:
>       FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE: twitpic.com/4e485w
> to new:
>       Replacement Boot-Loader: twitpic.com/4e46ol

Very nice!

Could you consider changing the number options to letters: v=verbose,
a=acpi, s=single ...

Having many (hundreds) of machines to manage it's confusing to need 6
for boot prompt on older versions and 5 on the newer where 6 on the
newer reboots.  Moving from digits to letters with digits resulting in
either a beep or a pause saves a lot of frustration for sysadmins
already annoyed by the ever increasing POST delay rapidly pressing
<ENTER> <ENTER> 6 when the boot0 menu appears.

Thanks for your work!

Paul Schenkeveld
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