On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 1:22 AM, Devin Teske <dte...@vicor.com> wrote:

> On Mar 27, 2011, at 9:53 PM, Super Bisquit wrote:
> > And what if I need to boot into single user mode?
> I'll forgive the top-post, and I'll even forgive that you missed the below
> "NOTE: The final release will have a single-user mode option."
> Here it is with single-user mode option: twitpic.com/4e6gu1
> --
> Devin
> >
> > On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 12:48 AM, Devin Teske <dte...@vicor.com> wrote:
> > Hi fellow hackers,
> >
> > I'm designing an open-sourced replacement boot-loader for FreeBSD. I feel
> that the existing options in the boot-loader menu today can be whittled down
> significantly with a stateful menu system rather than a single-action item
> menu system.
> >
> > In designing the new menu, I'd like to get your opinions. From old:
> >
> >        FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE: twitpic.com/4e485w
> >
> > to new:
> >
> >        Replacement Boot-Loader: twitpic.com/4e46ol
> >
> > NOTE: The final release will have a single-user mode option.
> >
> > The new menu allows for more flexibility as selecting options 2 ("Boot
> Verbose") or 3 ("ACPI Support") independently toggles the status, updates
> the menu item, and redisplays the menu -- ever-waiting until the user
> ultimately presses ENTER, "1", or escapes to the prompt and types "boot".
> Thus, one could potentially launch single-user mode with verbosity on and
> ACPI disabled (if one so desired).
> >


New menu is really good .

One feature ( which is important for response ability ) is to increase down
counter starting from at least 255 as default .

This will not change anything toward bad because a few seconds later a
prompt will appear and the computer will start to wait user response for
logging . If the user will use an automatic login , it is obvious that
he/she is knowing how to modify that counter to satisfy his/her needs .
Instead of considering exceptions , please consider generally less
experienced to modify that counter and/or having obstacles to respond
immediately .

Personally mostly I am becoming able to boot such menus after a few hard
resets of power of the computer .
My personal attitude toward this counter is a strong hate . After every
operating system install , the first task I  am doing is to disable that
counter completely or increase it to at least 1000 .

Default boot mode is not always the best and please assume that every one
will not be able to respond immediately due to so many possibilities of
reasons to cause a late response .

Thank you very much .

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
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