On Wednesday, 25 August 1999 at  0:11:23 -0600, Wes Peters wrote:
> "Daniel C. Sobral" wrote:
>> Christopher Masto wrote:
>>> I don't see the use for it.
>> :-)
>> The thing is SO obviously flawed, that I wonder how many marketoid
>> drones it took to make sensible people think it is actually useful.
>> :-)
> And how many programmers with nearly (or more than) two decades of UNIX
> experience it takes to convince someone it really is useful.

I must say, I'm really amazed at some of the opinions that have been
voiced in this thread.  Of course, that's all they are, and they show
the origins of their owners.

Any system with multiple concurrent accesses requires locking.  Only
UNIX uses advisory locking.  It almost does the job, so nobody has
tried to fix things.  But that doesn't make it right.

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