Tim Vanderhoek wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 24, 1999 at 08:25:59AM -0600, Wes Peters wrote:
> > >
> > > I don't like restricting the breaking of mandatory locks to the
> > > superuser.  It could be restricted to specific users (say file owner +
> > > root)...
> >
> > How 'bout "anyone who can kill the process holding the lock?"
>  + file owner ( + root ).

Which processes can't root kill?

> Otherwise I would be able to lock ~wes/FreeBSDmarkers and you wouldn't
> be able to do anything about it until either notifying me or notifying
> root about the process I accidentally left hanging.

Hey, I'm the one who gave you write access to it.  If I didn't want you
write-locking it, I wouldn't give you write access, now wood eye?

> [Not that I'm likely to ever need more than an advisory lock on that
>  particular file, but the principle...  :-]
> Hm. ``chmod go-"MayLock" ~wes/Fre*''  The sticky bit could be used.

Or better yet, implement file ACLs so I can grant read/write to everyone BUT 
you.  Of course, I can do that now by creating goup "nothoek" right?  ;^)

            "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

Wes Peters                                                         Softweyr LLC
http://softweyr.com/                                           w...@softweyr.com

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