On Wed, Aug 18, 1999 at 08:10:28AM -0600, Darren WIebe wrote:
> Hello:
>     One other thing that you might be interested in is the fact that Freemware
> has its first release out.  ***It is not nearly complete yet***  They have
> something out though, and it needs people to work on the code for FreeBSD.
> Right now they are working mostly on the Linux stuff where it is OS
> sensitive.  However, it would be appreciated if somebody wanted to work on the
> FreeBSD specific code.

I think that for my purpose it might be interesting, but taking way too
long to become productive enough. I'm one of the big group of "You must
run Outlook!"
And I can probably arrange for the license, so no problem with using
VMWare if possible. I'd prefer using FreeBSD though


 Mark Huizer   -   mark.hui...@nl.origin-it.com   -   x...@xaa.iae.nl

 Faith is good, but skepticism is better (Guiseppe Verdi)               

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