
    One other thing that you might be interested in is the fact that Freemware
has its first release out.  ***It is not nearly complete yet***  They have
something out though, and it needs people to work on the code for FreeBSD.
Right now they are working mostly on the Linux stuff where it is OS
sensitive.  However, it would be appreciated if somebody wanted to work on the
FreeBSD specific code.

Darren Wiebe

> I had a look recently at the code for one of the kernel modules that VMWare
> requires (driver-only.tar), and it looks like something that should be
> portable to FreeBSD, although there is some messy stuff in it (assembly
> that seems to be using Linux specific stuff, brrr..) But anyway: it
> looks feasable.
> Is anyone already working on this, or are some people interested in
> helping with this?

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