> I am currently conducting a thorough study of the VFS subsystem
> in preparation for an all-out effort to port SGI's XFS filesystem to
> FreeBSD 4.x at such time as SGI gives up the code.  Matt Dillon
> has written in hackers- that the VFS subsystem is presently not
> well understood by any of the active kernel code contributers and
> that it will be rewritten later this year.  This is obviously of great
> concern to me in this port.
It is of great concern to me that a rewrite, apparently because of
non-understanding, is taking place at all.

I would suggest that anyone planning on this rewrite should talk,
in depth, with John Heidemann prior to engaging in such activity.
John is very approachable, and is a deep thinker.  Any rewrite
that does not meet his original design goals for his stacking
architecture is, I think, a Very Bad Idea(tm).

> I greatly appreciate all assistance in answering the following
> questions:
> 1)  What are the perceived problems with the current VFS?
> 2)  What options are available to us as remedies?
> 3)  To what extent will existing FS code require revision in order
>      to be useful after the rewrite?
> 4)  Will Chapters 6,7,8 & 9 of "The Design and Implementation of
>      the 4.4BSD Operating System" still pertain after the rewrite?
> 5)  How important are questions 3 & 4 in the design of the new
>      VFS?
> I believe that the VFS is conceptually sound and that the existing
> semantics should be strictly retained in the new code.  Any new
> functionality should be added in the form of entirely new kernel 
> routines and system calls, or possibly by such means as
> converting the existing routines to the vararg format &etc.

Here some of the problems I'm aware of, and my suggested remedies:

1.      The interface is not reflexive, with regard to cn_pnbuf.

        Specifically, path buffers are allocated by the caller, but
        not freed by the caller, and various routines in each FS
        implementation are expected to deal with this.

        Each FS duplicates code, and such duplication is subject
        to error.  Not to mention that it makes your kernel fat.

2.      Advisory locks are hung off private backing objects.

        Advisory locks are passed into VOP_ADVLOCK in each FS
        instance, and then each FS applies this by hanging the
        locks off a list on a private backing object.  For FFS,
        this is the in core inode.

        A more correct approach would be to hang the lock off the
        vnode.  This effectively obviates the need for having a
        VOP_ADVLOCK at all, except for the NFS client FS, which
        will need to propagate lock requests across the net.  The
        most efficient mechanism for this would be to institute
        a pass/fail response for VOP_ADVLOCK calls, with a default
        of "pass", and an actual implementation of the operand only
        in the NFS client FS.

        Again, each FS must duplicate the advisory locking code,
        at present, and such duplication is subject to error.

3.      Object locks are implemented locally in many FS's.

        The VOP_LOCK interface is implemented via vop_stdlock()
        calls in many FS's.  This is done using the "vfs_default"
        mechanism.  In other FS's, it's implemented locally.

        The intent of the VOP_LOCK mechanism being implemented
        as a VOP at all was to allow it to be proxied to another
        machine over a network, using the original Heidemann
        design.  This is also the reason for the use of descriptors
        for all VOP arguments, since they can be opaquely proxied to
        another machine via a general mechanism.  Unlike NFS based
        network filesystems, this would allow you to add VOP's to
        both machines, without having to teach the transport about
        the new VOP for it to be usable remotely.

        Like the VOP_ADVLOCK, the need for VOP_LOCK is for proxy
        purposes, and it, too, should generate a pass/fail response,
        and be largely implemented in non-filesystem specific
        higher level code.

        Again, each FS which duplicates code for this function is
        subject to duplication errors.

4.      The VOP_READIR interface is irrational.

        The VOP_READDIR interface returns its responses in "host
        cannonical format" (struct dirent, in sys/dirent.h).
        Internally, FFS operates on "directory entry blocks" that
        contain exactly these structures (an intentaional coincidence).

        The problem with this approach, is that it makes the getdents
        system call sensitive to file systems for which some of the
        information returned (e.g. d_fileno, d_reclen, d_type, d_namlen)
        are synthetic.  What this means is that a native file system
        directory implementation single directory block must be able
        to fit into the buffer passed to the getdirentries(2) system
        call, or a directory listing is not a valid snapshot of the
        current state of the directory.

        It also vastly complicates directory traversal restarts (hence
        the ncookies and a_cookies arguments, since the NFS server
        requires the ability to restart traversal, mid-block, since
        the NFSv2 protocol returns directory entries one at a time).

        The "cookie" idea must be carried out faithfully, in an FS
        specific fashion, for each FS which is allowed to be NFS
        exported.  This code duplication is subject to error, or
        worse, non-implementation due to its complexity.

        A more rational approach would be to split the operation
        into two seperate VOP's: one to acquire a snapshot of a set
        of FS specific directory entries of an arbitrary size, and
        the second to extract rentries into the user's buffer, in
        cannonical format.

5.      The idea of "root" vs. "non-root" mounts is inherently bad.

        Right now, there are several operations, all wrapped into
        a single "mount" entry point.  This is actually a partial
        transition to a more cannonically correct implemetnation.

        The reason for the "root" vs. "non-root" knowledge in the
        code has to do with several logical operations:

        1)      "Mounting" the filesystem; that is, getting the
                vnode for the device to be mounted, and doing any
                FS specific operations necessary to cause the
                correct in-core context to be established.

        2)      Covering the vnode at the mount point.

                This operation updates the vnode of the mount
                point so that traversals of the mount point will
                get you the root directory of the FS that was
                mounted instead of the directory that is covered
                by the mount.

        3)      Saving the "last mounted on" information.

                This is a clerical detail.  Read-only FS's, and
                some read-write FS's, do not implement this.  It
                is mostly a nicety for tools that manipulate FFS

        4)      Initialize the FS stat information.

                Part of the in-core data for any FS is the mnt_stat
                data, which is what comes back from a VFS_STATFS()

        The first operation is invariant.  It must be done for all
        FS's, whether they are "root" or "non-root".

        The second operation is specific to "non-root" FS's.  It
        could be moved to common, higher level code -- specifically,
        it could be moved into the mount system call.

        The third operation is also specific to "non-root" FS's.  It
        could be discarded, or it could be moved to a seperate VFS
        operation, e.g. VFS_SETMNTINFO().  I would recommend moving
        it to a seperate VFSOP, instead of discarding it.  The reason
        for this is that an intelligent person could reasonably decide
        to add the setting of this data in newfs and tunefs, and do
        away with /etc/fstab.

        The fourth operation is invariant.  It must be done for all
        FS's, whether they are "root" or "non-root".

        We can now see that we have two discrete operations:

        1)      Placement of any FS, regardless of how it is intended
                to be used, into the list of mounted filesystems.

        2)      Mapping a filesystem from the list of mounted FS's
                into the directory hierarchy.

        The job of the per FS mount code should be to take a mount
        structure, the vnode of a device, the FS specific arguments,
        the mount point credentials, and the process requesting the
        mount, and _only_ do #1 and #4.

        The conversion of the root device into a vnode pointer, or
        a path to a device into a vnode pointer, is the job of upper
        level code -- specifically, the mount system call, and the
        common code for booting.

        This removes a large amount of complex code from each of
        the file systems, and centralizes the maintenance task into
        one set of code that either works for everyone, or no one
        (removing the duplication of code/introduction of errors

        In addition, the lack of "root" specific code in many FS's
        VFS_MOUNT entry points is the reason that they can not be
        mounted as "/".  This change would open it up, such that any
        FS that was supported by the kernel could be used as the
        root filesystem.

6.      The "vfs_default" code damages stacking

        The intent of the stacking architecture was to have the
        default operation for any VOP unknown to an FS fall through
        to the lower level code, and fail if it was not implemented.

        The use of the "vfs_default" to make unimplemented VOP's
        fall through to code which implements function, while well
        intentioned, is misguided.

        Consider the case of a VOP proxy that proxies requests.  These
        might be requests to another machine, as in the previous
        proxy example, or they might be requests to user space, to
        allow for easy developement of new filesystem layers.

        In addition, in order to get a default operation to actually
        fail, you have to intentionally create a failing VOP for that
        particular FS.

        Finally, the paradigm can not support new VOP's without a
        kernel recompilation.  This means that in order to add to
        the list of VOP's known to the system when you add a new FS,
        you don't merely have to reallocate the in-core copy of the
        vnodeop_desc to include a new (failing) member, you have to
        create a default behaviour for it, and modify the default
        operations table.  In other words, it's not extensible, as
        it was architected to be.

7.      The struct nameidata (namei.h) is broken in conception.

        One issue that recurrs frequently, and remains unaddressed,
        is the issue of namespace abstraction.

        This issue is nowhere more apparent than in the VFAT and NTFS
        filesystems, where there are two namespaces: one 8.3, and the
        second, 16 bit Unicode.

        The problem is one of coherency, and one of reference, and
        is not easily resolved in the context of the current nameidata
        structure.  Both NTFS and the VFAT FS try to cover this issue,
        both with varing degress of success.

        The problem is that there is no cannonical format that the
        kernel can use to communicate namespace data to FS's.  Unlike
        VOP_READDIR, which has the abstract (though ill-implemented)
        struct dirent, there is no abstract representation of the
        data in a pathname buffer, which would allow you to treat
        path components as opaque entities.

        One potential remedy for this situation would be to cannonize
        any path into an ordered list of components.  Ideally, this
        would be done in 16 bit Unicode (looking toward the future),
        but would minimally be seperate components with length counts
        to allow faster rejection of non-matching components, and
        frequent recalculation of length.

8.      The filesystems have knowledge of the name cache.

        Entries into the name cache, and deletion of entries from
        the name cache, should be handled in FS independent code
        at a higher level.  This can avoid expensive VFS_LOOKUP calls
        in many cases, and save marshalling arguments into and out of
        the descriptor structure, in addition to drastically reducing
        the function call overhead.

        Someone recently profiling FreeBSD's FS to detemine speed
        bottleneck (I believe it was Mike Smith, attempting to
        optimize for a ZD Labs benchmark) found that FreeBSD spends
        much of its time in namei().

9.      The implementation of namei() is POSIX non-compliant

        The implementation of namei() is by means of coroutine
        "recursion"; this is similar to the only recursion you can
        achieve in FORTRAN.

        The upshot of this is that the use of the "//" namespace
        escape allowed by POSIX can not be usefully implemented.
        This is because it is not possible to inherit a namespace
        escape deeper than a single path component for a stack of
        more than one layer in depth.

        This needs to be fixed, both for "natural" SMBFS support,
        and for other uses of the namespace escape (HTTP "tunnels",
        extended attribute and/or resource fork access in an OS/2
        HPFS or Macintosh HFS implementation, etc.), including
        forward looking research.

        This is related to item 7.

10.     Stacking is broken

        This is really an issue of not having a coherency protocol
        which can be applied between stacks of files.  It is somewhat
        related to almost all of the above issues.

        The current thinking which has been forwarded by Matt and
        John is that a vnode should have an associated vm_object_t,
        and that coherency should be maintained that way.

        This thinking is flawed for a number of reasons:

        a.      The main utility of this would be for an MFS
                implementation.  While a "fast MFS" is a
                laudable goal, it isn't sufficient to drive this.

        b.      A coherency protocol is required in any case,
                since a proxied VOP is not necessarily on the
                same machine or in the same VM space.  This
                approach would disallow the possibility of a
                user space filesystem developement framework.

        c.      There already exist aliases (VM implementation
                errors); intentionally adding aliases as an
                implementation detail will futher obfuscate them.
                Minimally, the VM system should pass a full
                branch path analysis based test procedure before
                they are introduced.  Even then, I would argue
                that it would open up a large complexity space
                that would prevent us from ever being sure about
                problem resoloution again.

        d.      Filesystems which need to transform data can
                never operate correctly, since they need to
                make local copies of the transformed content.
                This includes cryptographic, character set
                translation, compression, and similar stacking

        Instead, I think the interface design issues (VOP_ADVLOCK,
        that drive the desire to implement coherency in this
        fashion be examined.  I believe that an ideal soloution
        would be to never have the pages replicated at more than a
        single vnode.  This would likewise solve the coherency
        problem, without the additional complexity.  The issue
        would devolve into locating the real backing object, and
        potentially, translating extents.

11.     The function call "footprint" of filesystems is too large

        Attempt the following:

                Compile up all of the files which make up an
                individual filesystem.  You can take all of
                the files for the ufs/ffs objects and the
                vnode_if.o from a compiled kernel for this

                Now link them.  Ignore the missing "main"; how
                many undefined functions are there?

        The problem you are seeing is the incursion of the VM
        system, and sloppy programming practices, into each VFS

        This footprint impacts filesystem portability, and is
        one reason, among many (including some of the above) that
        VFS modules are no longer very portable between BSD

        Minimally, the VFS incursions need to be macrotized, and
        not assume a unified VM and buffer cache (or a non-unified
        VM and buffer cache, as well, for that matter).  This would
        improve portability considerably.

        In addition to this change, a function minimzation effort
        should take place.

        If the underlying interface utilized by VFS layers was not
        the kernel (for local media FS's, like FFS or NTFS), but
        instead a variable granularity block store with a numeric
        namespace, then the "top" and "bottom" interfaces could be
        identical.  For now, however, some work can be done (and
        should be done) to reduce the function call footprint.
        This is important work, which can only aid developement
        of future work (such as a user space filesystem framework
        for use by developers and researchers).

        I hesitate to suggest this, but it might be reasonable to
        consider a struct containing externally referenced functions,
        which is registered into the FS via mount, and which is
        identical for all FS's.  This would, likewise, promote the
        idea of a user space framework.

        Ideally, work would be done to port the Heidemann framework
        to Linux, so that their developers could be leveraged.

Some FFS-specific problems are:

1.      The directory code in the UFS layer is intertwined with the
        filespace code

        Ideally, one would be able to mount a filesystem as a flat
        numeric namespace (see #7, above), and then mount the idea
        of directory management over top of that.

2.      The quota subsystem is too tightly integrated

        Quotas should be an abstract stacking layer that can be
        applied to any FS, instead of an FFS specific monstrosity.

        The current quota system is also limited to 16 bits for a
        number of values which, in FreeBSD, can be greater than
        16 bits (e.g. UID's).

        The current quota system is also broken for Y2038.

3.      The filesystem itself is broken for Y2038

        The space which was historically reserved for the Y2038 fix
        (a 64 bit time_t) was absconeded with for subsecond resoloution.

        This change should be reverted, and fsck modified to re-zero
        the values, given a specific argument.

        The subsecond resoloution doesn't really matter, but if it is
        seen as an issue which needs to be addressed, the only value
        which could reasonably require this is the modification time,
        and there is sufficient free space in the inode to be able
        to provide for this (there are 2x32 bit spares).

I have other suggestions, but the above covers the most obvious

                                        Terry Lambert
Any opinions in this posting are my own and not those of my present
or previous employers.

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