> It will let us use a dhcp client in the install programs, this is of
> tremendous use to many people as DHCP starts to become much more
> popular.  I cannot net install a machine at home since that is on a
> DHCP cable modem service.

Well, just to clarify this, if you're installing a 4.0 snapshot then
you can indeed now do so; it will just be a bit savage in that the
installation-time lease will be snapshotted into your /etc/rc.conf in
order that the box can reboot for the first time with network
connectivity.  After that, it's a very good idea to build a new kernel
with bpf support enabled and change the ifconfig_foo line in your
/etc/rc.conf to say "DHCP" instead of the static lease information it
will have in it.  Then you're set from then on out.  My only desire is
that this process be made entirely automatic by enabling you to skip
that kernel rebuild part. :)

- Jordan

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