On Wed, 21 Jul 1999 sth...@nethelp.no wrote:

> > > Then either there is a hub between your net and the switch, or the switch
> > > is badly misconfigured.
> > 
> >     Well, the switch came out of the box and just had the default
> > setup.... It just has a IP assigned to it...  And there is no hub between
> > the net and the switch since all the modem pools are each on their own
> > port.  
> If the switch "just has the default setup" I would recommend that
> somebody sit down and read the manual and try to *understand* what is
> happening - probably also try to experiment a bit with the switch
> configuration. Because what you're seeing is definitely not normal.

        Well, the manual doesn't guarantee security either....  The only
thing the switch seems to do is give dedicated bandwidth to each port but
no one knows if it's a true switch since someone did mention a CableTron
switch being nothing but a bundled of hub ports inside grouped together.
Also, the management feature isn't suppose to affect data from being seen
on all the ports.  

Vince - vi...@mcestate.com - vi...@gaianet.net           ________   __ ____ 
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