On Wed, 21 Jul 1999 sth...@nethelp.no wrote:

> >     No idea, all I know is that people on our LAN without changing MAC
> > addresses can see all traffic going on the LAN.  Even from our FreeBSD box
> > with trafshow, we can see traffic that is destined for the global net from
> > the modem dialups.
> Then either there is a hub between your net and the switch, or the switch
> is badly misconfigured.

        Well, the switch came out of the box and just had the default
setup.... It just has a IP assigned to it...  And there is no hub between
the net and the switch since all the modem pools are each on their own

Vince - vi...@mcestate.com - vi...@gaianet.net           ________   __ ____ 
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