Daniel C. Sobral wrote:

> Eh? Reasonable programs *never* run into trouble. Trouble only
> happens when you have unreasonable programs around, or did not
> configure the system correctly. And if you did not configure the
> system correctly, why do you think you would be able to correctly
> estimate the stack needed for the various programs?

Your words are bad words. Exhausting of any of main resources - virtual
memory, disk space, process descriptors, file descriptors - is a terrible
situation, but one must not fight against headache with headcutting.
Every system can fall in uncontrolled state and eat all of some resource,
and kernel stack is to prevent process pool part from this, not to destruct
it. I had seen two boxes where swap was out misfortunately with bad results:
on first (FreeBSD 2.2.7), system kills the cron (sic!) process, on second
(Linux) syslogd, sendmail and some others became poisoned without any
warnings. It is totally bad behavior; kernel must be friend, not enemy.

Actions supposed enough by me for first (!) time:
1) Count in some kernel variables (readable by sysctl) overflows of virtual
memory, file descriptors, process descriptors and other critical resources.
This data must be available for watchdogs; for some systems, it is right to
reboot them immediately after some overflow, not to try to work in poisoned
2) Run (in standard setup!) cron, syslogd and other important daemons from
special init slot (as Linux and possibly other systems allow), not from
startup scripts. Reason: they must be restarted when die without admin
intervention and without wrappers which can also be killed on memory low.
3) Declare thresholds for critical resources; for example, when more than
80% of virtual memory is used, prevent everybody except euid==0 or egid==0
from allocating new memory.
4) Provide special signal (SIGXMEM?) to send messages that there is memory
low and all have to shorten their memory. Daemons should interpret this
signal similarly to SIGHUP, with exec() itself and restart.

> Now comes the people saying "don't overcommit in *this* case, and
> overcommit in *that* case". Irrelevant. Programs are still getting
> killed because memory was overcommitted (with the added disadvantage
> of you not having as much memory as in a full overcommit mode).

Kernel can kill processes that try to get unexistent memory. But when it did
not prevent system from falling into overflow, it plays unfair game.


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