On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, Chuck Robey wrote:

> On Sat, 12 Jun 1999, Bill Huey wrote:
> > Well, so far I've heard alot of BS about Linux that isn't exactly true
> > and much of it seems like a bunch of artificial problems that hold
> > against the Linux folks. Most of it is just intentionally misrepresented
> > bullshit.
> That is totally wrong, Bill.  We have a public mail archive, so if you
> don't like to believe me, go check our archive.  YOU have been the only
> source of either Linux or FreeBSD bashing.  We have a pretty pleasing
> assortment of grownups here, who have gone past the point of needing to
> claim "my ball is better than your ball".

Exactly. Do you have references?

> One of my own personal complaints about the Linux groups is that they
> seem to grow the kind of people who need to disparage in order to feel
> good.  This might be because my only exposure to Linux persons is via
> Usenet, which is immersed in that teenage-type philosophy.  I don't know
> of any Linux mailing lists of the order of the FreeBSD lists.

The Linux-kernel mailing list seems to be closer to -hackers.

> We don't need that approach here, it doesn't increase knowledge,
> and only hurts feelings.  If you follow up on this thread, please DROP
> all Linux/FreeBSD comparisons of that order.  We all know that both
> Linux AND FreeBSD are fine unixes, and we don't need bashing here.

Linux is a Unix clone, while FreeBSD is Unix. Don't confuse people with

> This list does occaisonally have some comparisons, Linux vs. FreeBSD,
> but if it isn't kept strictly technical, and non-accusatory, we don't
> want it or need it.
> I have seen people in the past that were honestly surprised at the huge
> difference between Usenet newsgroup rules, and our FreeBSD list rules.
> If you actually fit in that category, maybe you should "lurk" these
> lists for a while, so you can see the difference, and not find yourself
> outside of our lists normal behaviour.

The noise to content ratio is MUCH higher on Usenet, and probably will
always be.

> > 
> > I came on this list initially to just check was the FreeBSD community
> > was like, but what I've gotten since is alot of ego and hostility
> > toward things that aren't completely FreeBSD. That's something that
> > I didn't expect and reading this list has given me a particular
> > negative view of FreeBSD that wasn't present before.
> People don't like your need to compare, in order to make one group seem
> better or worse than another.  You need to find some other way to get
> your point across.
> > 
> > In-fighting with the current NFS maintainer and general rudeness to other
> > potential devs make FreeBSD's kernel people look like bunch of dorks whether
> > you like it or not.

Don't confuse fighting with "not sweeping issues under the carpet."

> > 
> > I'm also not big enough asshole ot put someone on a "kill-list" and is just
> > a reflection of a kind of conservative need to dehumanize other folks
> > so that your selfish comfort is "preserved".
> Profanity is also one of the things not accepted here.

Damn straight! Sorry, couldn't resist. Profanity isn't that unacceptable,
if appropriate (sometimes it is..), but personal attacks ARE.

> > 
> > > Wes Peters                                                 Softweyr LLC
> > 
> > bill
> > 
> > 
> > 
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> > 
> ----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------
> Chuck Robey                 | Interests include any kind of voice or data 
> chu...@picnic.mat.net       | communications topic, C programming, and Unix.
> 213 Lakeside Drive Apt T-1  |
> Greenbelt, MD 20770         | I run picnic and jaunt, both FreeBSD-current.
> (301) 220-2114              | 
> ----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------
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