"David E. Cross" wrote:
> Just doing some performance testing and I noticed something rather
> disturbing....
> Here is the test program:
> int main (void)
> {
> int count=0;
>         for(count=0;count <10000000;++count)
>                 getppid();
>         return 0;
> }
> The time on linux for this program is ~5 seconds (linux "time" reports 3.x, 
> but
> a wall clock clearly shows 5.x, go fig).   FreeBSD reports 18.x seconds?!.  I
> have a dual processor system and decided to parallel run them... it took
> 52!?! seconds, linux on the same was again about 5.  Looking through the
> exception.s it appears that on entry to the kernel an MP lock is obtained...
> I thought we had splX(); to protect concurancy in the kernel.
> I am just curious what's the story with this.  On some of my other tests it is
> clear that FreeBSD is handling concurancy much better than linux (by an equal
> factor actually, and on "real" tasks like real I/O handling).

My PII/300 reports:

w...@homer$ time ./a.out

real    0m12.490s
user    0m5.898s
sys     0m6.455s

Let's see, that's:

w...@homer$ bc
bc 1.04
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800,000 syscalls/sec and you're complaining?  Heh.  ;^)

I suspect this is one of those "optimizations" where the Linux syscall
mechanism doesn't actually enter the kernel, since the parent pid is
probably stored in the equivalent of the proc struct.  True to the 
Linux "every cycle is precious" ethic, these optimizations are great 
for looking good on meaningless benchmarks like this one, and make no 
difference at all in "real life."

Try a more meaningful benchmark, one that actually does something in
the kernel before returning, and see how they do.  Try calling kill
or socket/close a few hundred thousand times and see how they do.

       "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

Wes Peters                                                 Softweyr LLC
http://www.softweyr.com/~softweyr                      w...@softweyr.com

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