John S. Dyson writes:
 > Howard Goldstein said:
 > > On Mon, 7 Jun 1999 18:38:51 -0400 (EDT), Brian Feldman 
 > > <> wrote:
 > >  : 4.0-CURRENT
 > > 
 > > 3.2R too...
 > > 
 > I just checked the source (CVS) tree, and something bad happend
 > between 1.27 and 1.29 on ufs_readwrite.c.  Unless other things
 > had been changed to make the problem go away, the recursive vnode
 > thing was broken then.  

I can pretty easily test patches and try other stuff out on a couple
of dozen brand new, architecturally (sp) stressed out (memorywise
(zero swap, 16mb RAM, mfsroot) and cpu bandwidth wise (386sx40)) 3.1-R
(switchable to 3.2R) systems, if it'd be helpful.  Should it bring out
clues leading to the fix for 'the' golden page-not-present instability
it'd be awesome karma.  This very limited environment is especially
fragile and highly susceptible to consistently reproducing the popular
>= 3.1R page not present panics.

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