On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Matthew Dillon wrote:

>     ... what version of the operating system?
>                                               -Matt


> :  In the long-standing tradition of deadlocks, I present to you all a new 
> one.
> :This one locks in getblk, and causes other processes to lock in inode. It's
> :easy to induce, but I have no idea how I'd go about fixing it myself
> :(being very new to that part of the kernel.)
> :  Here's the program which induces the deadlock:
> :
> :#include <sys/types.h>
> :#include <sys/mman.h>
> :...

 Brian Feldman                _ __ ___ ____  ___ ___ ___  
 gr...@unixhelp.org                _ __ ___ | _ ) __|   \ 
     FreeBSD: The Power to Serve!      _ __ | _ \._ \ |) |
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