Alexander Maret writes:
 > Hi,
 > > -----Original Message-----
 > > From: Sheldon Hearn []
 > > Sent: Dienstag, 1. Juni 1999 10:45
 > > To: Alexander Maret
 > > Cc:
 > > Subject: Re: xl driver for 3Com 
 > >
 > > FreeBSD _developers_ seem to be more concerned with producing a
 > > rock-solid operating system than producing a popular operating system.
 > > That is why most of the folks working on FreeBSD are more 
 > > interested in
 > > meaningful problem reports than arm-waving fanatics.
 > Sure, everybody likes the easy way.
 > > If there's a choice between keeping happy 100 people who don't know
 > > what's going on, or working with 10 people who do, most folks 
 > > are going
 > > to choose to ignore the 100 for the sake of the 10. Not because they
 > > despise people who don't know what's going on, but because 
 > > they can get
 > > good results out of people who do.
 > Sure you can get better results working with 10 people who do know
 > what's going on but if there are possible bugs and you just ignore
 > the 100 people and say "they're idiots who can't post real bug reports
 > and who can't configure their system" you won't get a rock-stable os.
 > Even if 99% of the "bug reports" are configuration errors you can't
 > ignore the 1%. Otherwise you won't get FreeBSD rock-stable. You have
 > to deal with every user and ignoring people is no solution.
 > Alex

Well, I've been subscribed to freebsd-questions for the last
couple of weeks to see how things are going in the "user
community", and, I must say, I do not remember seeing your name
attached to any answers to questions over there.  So the points
are raised: If the 1% is so important, why do you not help them
out in the forum where they are most prevalent?  Are you not
ignoring them?

Bud Dodson

M. L. Dodson                      
409-772-2178                                FAX: 409-772-1790

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