> Mike Silbersack Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2000 5:30 PM
> On Sun, 27 Aug 2000, Clarence Brown wrote:
> > I just installed 4.1 from CD onto a machine that
> > had been running 3.4 without problems. The
> > machine is an old Gateway 486 DX/2 66 (Micronics
> > Local Bus motherboard) with an upgraded processor,
> > DVC Turbo 586 using an AMD AM5x68, and 64 Meg ram.
> >
> > Problem: If I do a "shutdown -h now" and then press
> > any key to reboot, the system ALWAYS hangs after
> > displaying the line..
> >
> > isa0: <ISA bus> on motherboard
> >
> > This is repeatable,
> I think it's a bug with the board.  I recall
> working on a Gateway 486/66 a few years ago.
> After installing a promise BIOS extender
> card, the system was unable to properly warm
> boot anymore.  (This was running windows 95.)
> The problem could be related somehow.  You're
> probably best off simply replacing the board.
> Mike "Silby" Silbersack

Yeah, I've had the motherboard/machine for
quite a while now, and have had to work
through a couple of warts to keep using it.
As a matter of fact I had a reboot problem
with the board which was heat related under
windows9x, as well as windows 3.x when I
first bought the board. When ambient
temperature was above 72 deg F (old brain
cells) the machine would not "reboot" soft,
hard, warm, it did not matter. I traced the
problem to a single custom logic chip on the
mother board which I could use a can of
"freeze it" on and alleviate the problem. I
had them, Gateway, and later Micronics, send
me a replacement motherboard, but the results
were exactly the same. This is not the same
problem. An obvious difference is that during
the reboot process the ATI Mach32 VGA board
resets and does a characteristic "blink" on the
screen with Red Blue and Green color bands during reset. When the
earlier heat related problem was evident the reboot froze before this

NOW the reboot is proceeding through this, and
actually starting the reboot process, including
reading initial boot code from the hard drive.

Another difference is that under FreeBSD 3.4 it
did not have this problem. If I/We can track and
solve this problem, other 486 owners, like Blaz
may be helped.

(BTW we've "GOT" to keep these old 486 systems
running because I really LOVE it when I get to
tell a colleague how well an old 486 of mine with
32 meg of RAM is performing some gritty network
task that they just told me their NT based
x00MHZ PIII with X-Hundred Meg of RAM can't
handle. It makes for a nice comparison!!)


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