On Sun, 27 Aug 2000, Clarence Brown wrote:

> I just installed 4.1 from CD onto a machine that
> had been running 3.4 without problems. The
> machine is an old Gateway 486 DX/2 66 (Micronics 
> Local Bus motherboard) with an upgraded processor,
> DVC Turbo 586 using an AMD AM5x68, and 64 Meg ram.
> Problem: If I do a "shutdown -h now" and then press 
> any key to reboot, the system ALWAYS hangs after 
> displaying the line..
> isa0: <ISA bus> on motherboard
> This is repeatable, 

I think it's a bug with the board.  I recall working on a Gateway 486/66 a
few years ago.  After installing a promise BIOS extender card, the system
was unable to properly warm boot anymore.  (This was running windows 95.)

The problem could be related somehow.  You're probably best off simply
replacing the board.

Mike "Silby" Silbersack

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