Hello Daniel and others,

> Please, take a look at diff(1). The prefered format for patches is a
> context (-c) or unified (-u) diff, from original to modified.

 Yes, I read it in the handbook, just one day after the posting. I just don't 
seem to be able yet to swallow a megabyte of plaintext in one day. I'm working 
on it ;).

> The prefered way to send problem reports, feature requests, etc, is the
> command send-pr(1). Since we committers are a lazy bunch, you might then
> poke people by mentioned your PR in an appropriate mailing list (give us
> the number!). Preferably, right before weekend. :-)
 Well, I might do this someday soon, but I'll first check the docs on this. 
For now, I'll just send you the diff. Excuse me for any linewraps that might 
occur due to the mailers. For now it looks ok...

*** subr_diskmbr.c.000  Fri Jan 28 11:22:07 2000
--- subr_diskmbr.c      Sat Jun 24 16:00:43 2000
*** 49,54 ****
--- 49,55 ----
  #include <sys/disklabel.h>
  #define       DOSPTYP_EXTENDED        5
  #define       DOSPTYP_EXTENDEDX       15
+ #define       DOSPTYP_LINUXEXTENDED   133
  #define       DOSPTYP_ONTRACK         84
  #include <sys/diskslice.h>
  #include <sys/malloc.h>
*** 344,350 ****
        sp -= NDOSPART;
        for (dospart = 0; dospart < NDOSPART; dospart++, sp++)
                if (sp->ds_type == DOSPTYP_EXTENDED ||
!                   sp->ds_type == DOSPTYP_EXTENDEDX)
                        mbr_extended(bp->b_dev, lp, ssp,
                                     sp->ds_offset, sp->ds_size, sp->ds_offset,
                                     max_nsectors, max_ntracks, mbr_offset, 1);
--- 345,352 ----
        sp -= NDOSPART;
        for (dospart = 0; dospart < NDOSPART; dospart++, sp++)
                if (sp->ds_type == DOSPTYP_EXTENDED ||
!                   sp->ds_type == DOSPTYP_EXTENDEDX ||
!                   sp->ds_type == DOSPTYP_LINUXEXTENDED)
                        mbr_extended(bp->b_dev, lp, ssp,
                                     sp->ds_offset, sp->ds_size, sp->ds_offset,
                                     max_nsectors, max_ntracks, mbr_offset, 1);
*** 434,440 ****
                    && dp->dp_start == 0 && dp->dp_size == 0)
                if (dp->dp_typ == DOSPTYP_EXTENDED ||
!                   dp->dp_typ == DOSPTYP_EXTENDEDX) {
                        static char buf[32];
                        sname = dsname(dev, dkunit(dev), WHOLE_DISK_SLICE,
--- 436,443 ----
                    && dp->dp_start == 0 && dp->dp_size == 0)
                if (dp->dp_typ == DOSPTYP_EXTENDED ||
!                   dp->dp_typ == DOSPTYP_EXTENDEDX ||
!                   dp->dp_typ == DOSPTYP_LINUXEXTENDED) {
                        static char buf[32];
                        sname = dsname(dev, dkunit(dev), WHOLE_DISK_SLICE,

 Well, thats it folks. Hope someone has some use for this.



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