> At 06:36 PM 5/27/00 -0700, Mike Smith wrote:
> >> Existing bus abstractions tend to let think that the same software driver
> >> can deal with different buses, bridges or IO methods without having to
> >> care about how these things actually behave, notably regarding buffering
> >> and ordering rules. This is untrue.
> >
> >A good bus abstraction lets you care as much or as little as necessary.  
> >The NetBSD framework (which we use) allows you to do this.
> The best "portable" coding method is with memory-mapped registers, which
> seems to  have been omitted from this "implementation", which is the gripe
> here.

It "seems" that you haven't "read" any of the "documentation" or the 
"code" either.

> Perhaps "portable" within the OS was your goal, but in the mean time
> "portable" between very different OSs has been tainted.

If you mean "FreeBSD should be Linux-driver-compatible", then your bus is 
leaving and you should be warming a seat.

> One of the problems with "free software" is that the big picture is missed
> because the people writing OS's dont care (and for the most part dont
> understand) about vendors supporting multiple, very different, OS's. 

One of the problems these vendors face is that "free software" OS 
developers are less interested in pursuing the lowest common denominator.

If you think that "memory mapped registers" are platform-portable, all I 
can suggest is that you try playing with a few different platforms, and 
preferably some time when you're prepared for a nasty shock.

\\ Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. \\  Mike Smith
\\ Tell him he should learn how to fish himself,  \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\\ and he'll hate you for a lifetime.             \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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