At 07:30 PM 5/27/00 -0400, Jeroen C. van Gelderen wrote:
>Dennis wrote:
>> At 09:54 AM 5/27/00 +0200, John Hay wrote:
>> >> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Dennis writes:
>> >> : My 4.0 system doesnt probe ISA devices on my system.
>> >> :
>> >> : Whats the trick? Is there a config requirement with old-style drivers?
>> >>
>> >> They probe great for me. what, specifically, isn't probing?
>> >
>> >He is probably talking about their own driver. In that case you have to
>> >add it to /sys/i386/isa/isa_compat.* or bite the bullet and new-busify
>> >it.
>> Yes....Whose brainstorm was it to use the new convoluted bus nonsense in
>> FreeBSD 4.0? Clearly someone who never wrote a driver with a complex
>> controller with indexed memory mapped registers.Whats next, assembler
>Uhm, the very fact that you are too simple-minded to understand the
>new, flexible, structured, high-performance bus architecture is sad.
>That you take it out on the people reading -current is beyond sad.
>If you can't behave like an adult shut up and go away.
I understand it, and I think it sucks. The world is going to object
oriented languages to make programming complex tasks easier , and freebsd
is going in the other direction.
And you seem to have not considered "portability" between OS's, which is
more important to the real software community than portability between
hardware within an OS.
The proper way to "genericize" busses is with library
wrappers...transparent to the developer. CPUs today can crank out data 10
times faster than the busses can accept them...bastardizing the OS to make
things a bit more efficient is not an accomplishment.
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