"or some gay trojan written"



On 04-May-00 Jeremiah Gowdy wrote:
>> Umm...
>> This was just sent to the list.  I guess Window's users may want to watch
>> out...
> HAHAHHAHAH.  I just opened it with my VBScripting disabled, and read the
> code.  It's pretty damn funny.  Maybe if I get a chance I'll write a
> disinfecter.  Doesn't look like it destroys your hard drive, just loads
> itself into the registry, "infects" mIRC's ini file, and mails itself out to
> everyone else.  I can see how this would be annoying, and you'd have to
> remove the damn thing by hand, but doesn't seem like it would kill anything.
> It's pretty weak these days.  People in the past would have to learn
> assembly language and how to append to an EXE or COM file, load into memory,
> bind interrupts to reinfect, etc.  Now it's just some kid with a scripting
> language, or some gay trojan written in Visual Basic 6, that calls deltree
> or something.  Sad.  Truely sad.
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