> Umm...
> This was just sent to the list. I guess Window's users may want to watch
> out...
HAHAHHAHAH. I just opened it with my VBScripting disabled, and read the
code. It's pretty damn funny. Maybe if I get a chance I'll write a
disinfecter. Doesn't look like it destroys your hard drive, just loads
itself into the registry, "infects" mIRC's ini file, and mails itself out to
everyone else. I can see how this would be annoying, and you'd have to
remove the damn thing by hand, but doesn't seem like it would kill anything.
It's pretty weak these days. People in the past would have to learn
assembly language and how to append to an EXE or COM file, load into memory,
bind interrupts to reinfect, etc. Now it's just some kid with a scripting
language, or some gay trojan written in Visual Basic 6, that calls deltree
or something. Sad. Truely sad.
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