On Wed, 5 Apr 2000, G. Adam Stanislav wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 03:51:29PM -0700, Alex Belits wrote:
> > I think, I have heard statements like this way too much in my life --
> >"Communism is the bright future of the humankind -- this goal hasn't been
> >achieved yet, but Communist Party is..." Sorry, but I see too many
> >similarities.
> Give me a break! I grew up in a Communist country. A remark like that
> is a slap in my face. Especially from someone who, obviously, has
> personally experienced Communism. I could see a Montana Freeman making
> a comparison like that, but not a Russian emigré.
I refer only to my idea of the possible validity of the statement, I
have no intention to actually compare Unicode Consortium and Communist
> To compare Unicode to the suffering imparted by the Communists on almost
> two thirds of the world is ridiculous in the least, and outright
> offensive.
This is not a place to discuss my feelings toward political doctrines,
however I don't see why hatred toward communists is supposed to be
somehow "sacred". I always considered that people have unlienable right to
poke fun at all kinds of troubles that they faced, and I think that with
23 years spent in Russia I qualify for that pretty well.
Excellent.. now give users the option to cut your hair you hippie!
-- Anonymous Coward
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