On Tue, Apr 04, 2000 at 12:08:39PM -0700, Alex Belits wrote:
>  I don't want to be misunderstood as the opponent of all things Unicode
>-- as I have said, its support is useful. However I oppose:
>1. The point of view that Unicode is the only possible or the best
>possible way to handle multilingual documents.
>2. The point of view that support of Unicode should be made at the expense
>of compatibility with everything else, or by the introduction of some
>unsafe guesswork such as application of UTF-8 validity check to determine 
>if the chunk of data is in UTF-8 or not.

Then you have nothing to fear. This is FreeBSD we are talking about.
This is not some control freak company. We will have as much, or as
little, Unicode support as we put in it.

I don't see anyone saying we should drop everything in favor of Unicode,
let alone do I see anyone volunteering to do it.

Where two fight, third one wins
                -- Slovak proverb

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