I will attest to that, as I have several Solaris-x86 machines, some on
2.6. and some on 2.7, all running the DEC cards in 100T-FDX mode like a
champ. As some are news servers, they run 20-30mpbs constantly almost
24/7 without a hitch, so they work well under Solaris. Guess it was
dumb to assume they would work as well on FBSD, but I had hoped. I have
piles of the DEC cards around.
I wonder what really has the best driver under FBSD, as far as reliability
and performance, and yes I also want 100T-FDX as my entire network is
interconnected with Cisco Catalyst Switches. I got the inside scoop on
the DEC cards for Solaris from some Sun engineers. Has anyone actually
ever rated/tested the various NIC's for FBSD??
> That's not spurprising. When I tried it, Solaris 2.6 x86 didn't support
> full-duplex 100Base-TX on very many devices. The DEC tulip cards were one of
> the few that had drivers that supported full-duplex.
> Charles
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Howard Leadmon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2000 4:24 PM
> To: Alfred Perlstein
> Subject: Re: Buffer Problems and hangs in 4.0-CURRENT..
> ...
> I used the DEC based cards as I had seen so many people raving
> about them, and at least under Solaris they claim the DEC tulip based
> boards are the hot ticket.
> ...
Howard Leadmon - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.abs.net
ABSnet Internet Services - Phone: 410-361-8160 - FAX: 410-361-8162
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