On Thu, Feb 03, 2000 at 07:58:04PM -0700, Wes Peters wrote:
> Mike Bristow wrote:
> > 
> > True; but linux has support for a bigger variety of soundcards
> > (my Win98^H^H^H^H^H^HEverQuest machine now has a Live! in it; supported
> > under Linux but not under FreeBSD AFAIK; so the other half of the disk
> > may turn turn into ext2 rather than ffs)
> > 
> > The other 2 boxes will, of course, stay FreeBSD.
> You'd switch operating systems for the sake of a sound card?  That seems
> backwards to this correspondent.  Just buy a reasonable sound card that
> works under your system of choice; they're less expensive than a system
> installation.

You're right of course.  But the system of choice is EverQuest[1], not
FreeBSD.  98% of the time it's on, it's running Windows.  Until 
Verant produce a linux or FreeBSD or BeOS or whatever client, I don't
have any choice in the matter.

[1] at the moment.  It'll probably change to some other game later.

Mike Bristow, Geek At Large              ``Beware of Invisible Cows''

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