> >Using a thread per connection has always been a bogus way of programming, > >it's easy, but it doesn't work very well. > > > OK, even if nobody else does, I'll bite. > > Why not? It scales poorly. -- \\ Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. \\ Mike Smith \\ Tell him he should learn how to fish himself, \\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] \\ and he'll hate you for a lifetime. \\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message
- Re: Practical limit for number of TCP con... Ronald F. Guilmette
- Re: Practical limit for number of TCP... Richard Seaman, Jr.
- Re: Practical limit for number o... Ronald F. Guilmette
- Re: Practical limit for number o... Richard Seaman, Jr.
- Re: Practical limit for number o... Ronald F. Guilmette
- FreeBSD Threads (was Re: Practic... Richard Seaman, Jr.
- Re: FreeBSD Threads (was Re: Pra... Russell L. Carter
- Re: Practical limit for number of TCP connections... Peter Wemm
- Re: Practical limit for number of TCP connections... Alfred Perlstein
- Re: Practical limit for number of TCP connect... Ronald F. Guilmette
- Re: Practical limit for number of TCP con... Mike Smith
- Re: Practical limit for number of TCP con... Nate Williams
- Re: Practical limit for number of TCP connect... Chris Sedore
- Re: Practical limit for number of TCP con... Jason Evans
- Re: Practical limit for number of TCP... Chris Sedore
- Re: Practical limit for number o... Jason Evans
- Re: Practical limit for number of TCP connections? Ken Bolingbroke
- Re: Practical limit for number of TCP connections... Ronald F. Guilmette
- Re: Practical limit for number of TCP connections... Ronald F. Guilmette
- Re: Practical limit for number of TCP connect... David Scheidt
- Re: Practical limit for number of TCP con... David Scheidt