> Well, I personally was gonna try to get my already installed windows > working... :-) That's a really bad idea; the moment you run Windows under VMware it will try to reconfigure itself for the new "hardware", and you'll screw your old configuration. -- \\ Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. \\ Mike Smith \\ Tell him he should learn how to fish himself, \\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] \\ and he'll hate you for a lifetime. \\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message
- Linux ioctl not implemented error Wilko Bulte
- Re: Linux ioctl not implemented error Kenneth Wayne Culver
- Re: Linux ioctl not implemented error Chris Costello
- Re: Linux ioctl not implemented error Kenneth Wayne Culver
- Re: Linux ioctl not implemented erro... Joseph Scott
- Re: Linux ioctl not implemented error Wilko Bulte
- Re: Linux ioctl not implemented erro... Kenneth Wayne Culver
- Re: Linux ioctl not implemented... Mike Smith
- Re: Linux ioctl not implemented error Jordan K. Hubbard
- Re: Linux ioctl not implemented error Kenneth Wayne Culver
- Re: Linux ioctl not implemented error Wilko Bulte
- Re: Linux ioctl not implemented error Gerard Roudier
- Re: Linux ioctl not implemented error Wilko Bulte
- Re: Linux ioctl not implemented error Alfred Perlstein
- Re: Linux ioctl not implemented erro... Wilko Bulte
- Re: Linux ioctl not implemented erro... Reinier Bezuidenhout
- Re: Linux ioctl not implemented... Alfred Perlstein
- Re: Linux ioctl not impleme... Marcel Moolenaar