Oops... not a member of that one... I'll go look then... :-) sorry to have
cross posted...
| Kenneth Culver | FreeBSD: The best OS around. |
| Unix Systems Administrator | ICQ #: 24767726 |
| and student at The | AIM: AgRSkaterq |
| The University of Maryland, | Website: (Under Construction) |
| College Park. | http://www.wam.umd.edu/~culverk/|
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:
> > Wait... vmware for linux works under FreeBSD now??? or it just runs
> > freebsd???
> You really need to go search the mailing list archives for the
> discussion which has just occurred on this topic. Everything from
> what it does to how to grab the port and apply the appropriate patches
> to your kernel have been discussed in the freebsd-emulation mailing
> list and it would be kind of silly to reprise the whole thing all over
> again in -hackers.
> - Jordan
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