> is anybody working on adding journaling to the (Free)BSD ufs - or
> are there any docs in that direction avalibale - any papers or
> so ? how much harder this is getting due to the complex
> FreeBSD vm/buffercache and soft updates ? - is
> anybody intereseted in starting to work on
> this ?
This is exactly the project which was just starting to be discussed on
freebsd-fs. There are several people who would love to work on this and as
long as the FreeBSD community is going to support. If this project is
going to be supported then it will be done.
Softupdates is definitely a viable solution however it does not address
several issues and the license is not a BSD license so it makes me
> and the next question: now that LFS starts to get usable in NetBSD
> - has anybody started to look at getting it working again in
> FreeBSD too (maybe matt ?) or has it on the TODO list
LFS is being considered as a starting point for this project. The goal is
to build an extensible file system with features such as the ability to
grow and shrink partitions, acl's journaling etc.
XFS is also being considered as a feature reference.
> i think it is a very important point to get this working in FreeBSD
> due to too long fsck times at bootup getting more and more a
> killer argument against FreeBSD in serious use with
> growing filesystem sizes
>- linux now has somekind
> of beta quality journaling for ext2 working now
> btw.
No comment :)
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