is anybody working on adding journaling to the (Free)BSD ufs - or
are there any docs in that direction avalibale - any papers or
so ? how much harder this is getting due to the complex
FreeBSD vm/buffercache and soft updates ? - is
anybody intereseted in starting to work on
this ?
and the next question: now that LFS starts to get usable in NetBSD
- has anybody started to look at getting it working again in
FreeBSD too (maybe matt ?) or has it on the TODO list
for the next months or anything similar ? - anybody
with some skills willing to to start working on
this ? - just some words about the state in
NetBSD (according to my experiments :-):
they have it working so far - mostly
stable with some minor problems
still and also the fsck_lfs is
at least able to check the
lfs filesystem read only.
i think it is a very important point to get this working in FreeBSD
due to too long fsck times at bootup getting more and more a
killer argument against FreeBSD in serious use with
growing filesystem sizes - linux now has somekind
of beta quality journaling for ext2 working now
innominate AG
networking people
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