Josef Karthauser wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 08:46:42PM -0500, Kevin Day wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I have got a surprising problem with StarOffice 5.1
> > > for Linux on FreeBSD 4.0-current, the latest snapshot.
> > > The CD-ROM installation went fine (after I configured the
> > > Posix real-time thread support and linked the
> > > additional libraries to the Linux compatibility
> > > directory and slightly corrected the startup scripts)
> > > but when I start the installed program "soffice"
> > > it just starts the setup screen again! Tried to

> We've got a similar problem.  Instals fine as root, runs
> fine a 'joe', but if anyone else tries to run it they get
> the setup screen!  My hunch is that it's something to do with

Seems like I got no suck lucky user :-(

> permissions on Sys5 IPC queues or something.  A Ktrace of both
> showed that different things were going on, but I lost the plot
> before working out exactly what.

I ran ktrace and truss on it. It seems like it does not use
Sys5 IPC at all or at least does not make calls looking like
it. It uses an unix-domain socket with long name in /tmp
and it seems to work OK (reads and writes through it show up
in ktrace). I have even found out why the setup starts:
because this clever program calls the setup script. The
only question left is why does it do that ? :-(

I also have no java support installed. From the message it
gave during setup it looked like the java support was optional
but not I start thinking whether could it cause this
infinite setup.

By the way, the exact version I'm trying to install seems
to be 5.17, at least all the libraries have *517* in their
names. Maybe this also makes some difference.


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